History and context of the program

The Master's program in Physics at the Federal University of Goiás began in 1992. The master's degree graduated 178 students until 12/31/2019. In 2008, the doctoral course was created and the program was renamed the Postgraduate Program in Physics. By 12/31/2019, 52 students had completed their doctoral course. The program currently has 10 lines of research (Stellar Astrophysics; Biophysics; Biophotonics; Crystallography; Electronic Structure of Molecules, Liquids and Solids; Material Physics; Statistical Physics; Magnetism and Thermal Nanomedicine; Quantum Optics and Quantum Information; and Particles and Fields), all in the area of ​​concentration in Physics.

In 2019, the Program's faculty was made up of 33 teachers, 30 of whom are permanent, 1 employee and 2 visitors. Currently, we have 22 permanent professors with CNPq research productivity scholarships (73% of the permanent professors of the Program), being 17 PQs level 2, 3 PQs level 1D, 1 PQ level 1C and 1 PQ level 1B. We also have, among visiting professors, 1 PQ level 1D and 1 PQ level 1A. The activities of each teacher are evaluated annually and the permanence in the faculty of the program is conditioned to their scientific production in the previous four years.

In 2019, 35 doctoral students and 30 master's students passed through the program. Fifteen students were awarded degrees, of which 5 were master's and 10 doctoral.